Page name: Tana's Poetry [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-10-03 19:25:41
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Tana's Poetry

Yeah...this is my art and passion. I love to write poetry though I'm not all to well at it anymore. I don't tend to write much now-a-days. Feel free to comment!


Look into her eyes...
    Gaze upon the sufferage and fear deep inside her heart.
  You'll never know the real her. You'll never see nor understand her.    
 Hatred behind close doors
  She trusts few but not all
She'll ruin you & rip your world apart without intentions...
  You may think she opened her heart up to let you in...but she hasnt. No, not completely.

[**On My Own**]

I'm on my own
    Walking down this path
     Nothing to my right
    Nothing to my left
     Nothing but dead trees
     Inside my sight
    I'm on my own
     Lonely in darkness
     Alone in a world
    So full of madness
     Petrified by the sight
     Of death through my eyes
      I'm on my own
      Lost inside
     A place so morbid
      I can't get out
     All to myself
      As I sit and pout...
     "I'm on my own"

[**Look Past the Rain**]

    When feelings are hurt, love is interveened, shadows follow your soul and troubles are around, don't think negative about you life. Just think of the good times you've had in the past and the good ones to come.
    We all go through it at one point in time. Some sooner than others maybe, but you should ALWAYS look past the rain.
  Be glad you're here and loved by others because if you let go, then only have you hurt yourself but you've hurt the lives of others as well.
   This terrible life you may think you live will soon be over, if you take the chance to look in the other direction past the dark and raining world you are in.


      If you give up hope then I will too. All the negativeness you have will all come true.
   If you care so much to get out from where you're at, then pray each day whether you believe or not. If you pray and have a little hope then one day you'll be at home thinking of how lucky you are to get out of there just by saying a meaningful prayer.
     If you believe in what this poem is telling you, THEN HAVE SOME FAITH!! Don't worry, you'll be home soon. All because you had some faith and found out that you're not trash but worth so much more than just cents and cash.
   Nobody's perfect or really alright bbut jump on the plan and take the next flight.
    Just promise you'll never give up before your time is done, for you are a hero and number 1!!

[**One World**]

            There is one world
              That I can see
             It's in the minds
             Of you and me
             It has open doors
             With carpet floors
             A beautiful child
             That shines galore
          A child with a gorgeous smile
           A smile worth all the while
            It has a wonderful house
              With a fireplace
            When you're in the room
            It lights up with grace

[**My love**]

      May my love be with you
      Through the years
      As I pass away with sorrow
      And good-bye tears
      May you keep your head
      Held up high
      As I am in your heart, as well
      As in the sky
      May you keep your strength
      Along the way
      As I watch over you with
      Every passing day
      And never, never forget my love
     For I am waiting for you up above

To Poetry Link 2 for more poems...

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2005-10-03 [~StreetZ*Wifey~]: i like those poems girls they r really pretty

2005-10-03 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: Why thank you hun *smiles* I tried my best on most of them. Though I haven't written poetry in months, I'm sort of rusty. But its how I get my feelings out *shrugs*

2005-10-03 [~StreetZ*Wifey~]: ya thats good too get them out i kno how it feels when u hold them in all tha time

2005-10-03 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: Yeah. Poetry is my passion so I try...

2005-10-03 [~StreetZ*Wifey~]: my sister melisa loves to read and write them she good at it my mom likes to write them when she has time too i like your poems they make me feel open too people more

2005-10-03 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: Yeah, My whole family writes poetry. Me,my mom, matt and my uncle has a few poems published and we all got an Editors Choice Award for our work. And thanks, through my poems is how I want people to get to know me better like you said. And writing them also helps me find myself better

2005-10-03 [~StreetZ*Wifey~]: Yes they do help u find your self in alot of ways and poems do stand out for what people feel i have tryed writein poems but im no good at it what so ever i tryed and tryed but i love yours

2005-10-03 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: All it takes is some time. You'll get better at it sooner or later. You just really gotta focus on it. Just start off by writing down whats on your mind, it dont have to be in any order, just jot it down. Then eventually you'll get a hang of it. And I'm glad people like/love mine. My friend [monterey purple] even put one of my poems in her house bcuz she liked it so much. lol

2005-10-03 [~StreetZ*Wifey~]: I kno i think i wanna tooo il say it by u if u dont mind

2005-10-03 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: I dont mind at all :)

2005-10-03 [~StreetZ*Wifey~]: k thankies *hugs*

2005-10-03 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: :) you're welcome...and thank you as well *hugs back*

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